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Writer's pictureLyndy Jewell

Affirmations for New Beginnings: 15 Phrases to Align Your Energy with Growth

Ever feel like you’re ready for a fresh start but not quite sure how to make it happen? Affirmations can be a powerful tool to help you shift your mindset, align your Energy and welcome new beginnings into your life.  Words hold Energy and emotion for us.  By repeating positive phrases, you’re not just speaking words - you’re rewiring your thoughts to focus on growth and positively transforming your emotions too.

Below, you’ll find 15 affirmations designed to help you embrace change, release what no longer serves you and step into your highest potential. Choose the ones that resonate the most and incorporate them into your daily routine to create lasting, positive shifts.

Why Use Affirmations?

Affirmations are more than just positive statements - they’re a way to reprogram your mind and Energy. When you repeat affirmations regularly, you help your subconscious mind believe in the possibilities, making it easier to manifest the changes you desire in your life. Whether you’re seeking more confidence, clarity or a sense of purpose, these affirmations can help guide your shift in perspective.

Woman standing in a field of sunflowers and bubbles

15 Affirmations for New Beginnings

  1. I release what no longer serves me and make space for new opportunities.

    • Let go of old patterns and make room for fresh possibilities. Embrace the freedom that comes from releasing what holds you back.

  2. I trust the process of life and embrace each new beginning with ease.

    • Remind yourself that every new chapter brings growth and learning, even if the journey isn’t always smooth.

  3. I am open to the Energy of growth, change and transformation.

    • Allow yourself to evolve and transform, staying open to all the positive changes that come your way.

  4. I deserve to flourish and thrive in all areas of my life.

    • Affirm your worthiness to live a life full of abundance, joy and success.

  5. Each day I step into my power and create the life I desire.

    • Empower yourself to take action toward your dreams and goals, one step at a time.

  6. I welcome abundance, positivity and joy into my life.

    • Focus on inviting more of the good stuff into your world, knowing you’re completely fucking worthy of all the blessings coming your way.

  7. I let go of fear and embrace the opportunities a fresh start offers.

    • Release any doubts or fears that hold you back from stepping into your new beginning with confidence.

  8. My Energy is renewed and I am ready for new adventures.

    • Feel the revitalising power of new experiences and the excitement of what lies ahead.

  9. I am aligned with my highest potential and ready to flourish.

    • Affirm your connection to your true purpose and your readiness to live fully in alignment with it.

  10. I trust my intuition to guide me through this new chapter.

    • Strengthen your trust in your inner wisdom, allowing it to lead you in the right direction.

  11. I am worthy of all the good things coming my way.

    • Remind yourself that you are deserving of happiness, love, success and everything else that makes life beautiful.

  12. I move forward with confidence and clarity, knowing I am supported by the Universe.

    • Step forward with a clear mind and an open heart, trusting that the Universe has your back.

  13. Change is easy for me and I welcome it with open arms.

    • Embrace change as a natural part of life, flowing with it rather than resisting.

  14. I am in control of my Energy and I choose positivity and growth.

    • Take charge of your Energy and set your intention to focus on growth, even in challenging moments.

  15. My spirit is bright, my mind is clear and my path is open.

    • Picture yourself moving forward on a path that’s wide open, with nothing holding you back from your dreams.

How to Use These Affirmations

To make the most of these affirmations, choose a few that resonate with you and repeat them daily. Whether it’s during your morning routine, while you’re driving or as part of a meditation practice.  Let these affirmations become a regular part of your thoughts. The more you say them, the more you’ll start to believe them - and the more your Energy will align with growth and transformation.

Start Your Fresh Chapter with Confidence

Woman holding yellow sunflowers

Using affirmations is a simple yet powerful way to reset your mindset and invite positive change into your life. By speaking these phrases with intention, you’re not just saying words; you’re setting the stage for your next chapter of growth and fulfilment.

I’d love to hear from you! What’s your favourite affirmation for new beginnings? Share it in the comments below or let me know how affirmations have helped you in your journey.

Ready to dive deeper into your journey of renewal? Download my free e-book, "Mind, Body, Spirit Reset: Tools for a Fresh Start", where you’ll find even more powerful techniques and tools to help you clear out the old and welcome in the new.

Love & Abundance

Lyndy xxx

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